Does your day to day grind seem overwhelming that you're gasping for air? As a woman entrepreneur, do you oftentimes grapple for time and breathing space to manage your work and spend time with your family? You look around and you see some of your women friends and colleagues, and you wonder. "Why do they seem to have all the time and support they need? They seem to have it easier." No, it's not always like that at all. It just appears that way to you because you are overworked.
Yes, it's hectic when you're a mompreneur. After all, you're doing a very demanding job of running your business and raising a family. It's like there's never enough time and the pressure gets out of hand. Your stress level feels like it's rising like mercury in a heat wave. Too much stress is unhealthy, by all means, and it will take its toll on your health and your behavior. You could find yourself experiencing changes in your behavior, values, standards and preferences. It's basically that you're out of synch and misaligned with yourself. Because of this, your family and working habits become erratic. You won't be able to function at your best. You have to slow down and relax. Being overworked can literally drive you out of your wits. How can you tell if you're overworked? Here are some signs:
Signs That You're An Overworked MomPreneur
Cooking simple dinner such as veggie patties and rice is too much work for you.You can't sit down with your kids at the dining table to eat. You remain standing up, inhaling the food or end up not eating at all.All your duty calls to family, friends and clients are done in the car.It feels like you're being stalked with information emails by your kids' school.You avoid calling your friends so you won't be able do something or go somewhere together.You can't listen to what your kids are really telling you. You simply nod and smile without understanding what they're talking about.Even in the restroom, you answer emails or make calls.You usually cancel appointments you make to your hairdresser, manicurist or dentist.Your oldest kid is still wearing Velcro runners because you're too busy to teach him how to tie his laces.Your husband or kids text you when they want to talk to you, even when they're just in the next room.These are some of the symptoms of OMS or Overworked Mompreneur Syndrome. If you feel you're suffering from OMS, you need to do something fast. Work with a work/life balance expert or an executive leadership coach so you can handle your business and family/personal life gracefully.
By the way, do you want to learn more about leadership in your company? If so, download your FREE ebook here: Guide to Elegant Courage Leadership
Jodi and Mike specialize in executive coaching with individuals and teams.
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