Leaders Plan For Ramifications

The greatest of all leaders get the results they do because they are incredible planners, with the abilities, knowledge, expertise and judgment needed to understand that every action, either taken or avoided, has certain ramifications. Joe Davis proclaimed, "One thing I learned about riding is to look for trouble before it happens." In my thirty years of working closely with well over a thousand leaders, I have continuously emphasized the need to realize that even avoiding taking an action (procrastination) is still, in fact, an action, and that there are always ramifications that require planning and preparedness.

1. Does the leader understand what the possible ramifications are? How has he determined these? Does he continuously plan, work, examine, and strategically plan for every eventuality? Far too many people thrust into leadership positions seem to either fear making, or lack the ability, to examine the ramifications, often because they don't intensely examine the issue and the actions needed. Every action taken offends some people, but a true leader examines the best way to handle these types of issues, and thinks the issue through.

2. The most effective leadership uses a strategic model. The first think a real leader must do, even before starting his position, is to examine all aspects of the organization, what works and what does not, and understand both the needs of the organization, as well as the history and heritage of the group. Is this organization growing effectively, stable, or in decline? Some of the worst strategic errors an organization makes occurs because many fiscal officers tend to suffer from a form of organizational myopia, often taking a very narrow view when it comes to group's finances. These leaders fail to realize that while being cost effective is both desirable and responsible, how this cost cutting is done is often the difference between being helpful to the organization, and adversely impacting the group by either offending, or upsetting people. These leaders often unilaterally design cost cutting measures that they no doubt feel are needed, without taking the time, effort, or steps to effectively communicate. Great leaders understand that policies can and often should be altered and updated, but that once you offend someone, it is often nearly impossible to regain their trust.

I urge those in leadership to always take a deep breath, and step back before they take definitive action, and explore the ramifications, both intended and possibly unintended, so they are best prepared to handle effectively these situations. Great leaders are planners, and this planning prepares them best for most eventualities.

Richard Brody, with over 30 years consultative sales, marketing, training, managerial, and operations experience, has trained sales and marketing people in numerous industries, given hundreds of seminars, appeared as a company spokesperson on over 200 radio and television programs, and regularly blogs on real estate, politics, economics, management, leadership, negotiations, conferences and conventions, etc. He has negotiated, arranged and/ or organized hundreds of conferences and conventions. He's a Senior Consultant with RGB Consultation Services, an Ecobroker, a Licensed Buyers Agent (LBA) and Licensed Salesperson in NYS, in real estate.
Richard has owned businesses, been a Chief Operating Officer, a Chief Executive Officer, and a Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has a Consulting Website, and his company PLAN2LEAD, LLC's site ( http://www.plan2lead.net/ ), and can be followed on Twitter @rgbrody and Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/Plan2lead

Original article

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