Employees determine the performance of a business and it is the behavior of leaders which makes the performance of the workers. If we put two organizations side by side with the same machinery and equipment and one of them will do better than the other one, the reason would be the difference of the workers and the behavior of their leaders.
In some cases the workers are motivated and work for success themselves. They are probably motivated by the values and beliefs lay down by the early founders of the specific organizations and strive hard for its success, with possibly minute to no intentional aim. Maybe some of the managers and leaders are responsible for the good performance of the workers due to the leaders' behaviors and environment provided by them for the workers. A poorly performing organization may be doing so due to the lack of action from leaders or poor leadership style. Some steps in that case can be taken to adopt for success in the workplace.
Set Vision
Once an aim for the organization is clear, the vision is should be explained to all workers so that they know how they need to adapt or change their work behavior. Activities, Ethics, Ideology and Approach are also to be explained clearly that the organization will adopt in the future. The workers need to be motivated. Effective leaders will know what motivates his employees and will act accordingly.
Evaluation Of Present Situation
Time is also used to analyze the exterior atmosphere, collective and methodological systems and to recognize the Symbols, Customs and Legends that result in the motivation of employees. To attempt to bring about a change without having motivated employees is like having a lot to do with little or no results.
The leadership skills of a Manager bring about trusts about how to work and interact in the workplace. The interactions of the different leadership styles and organization design choices will aid the success you are trying to gain in the workplace.
Instruct and Invigorate
This is a significant rung in the ladder of improving employee performance that many businesses don't do, or do badly. Educating every single worker of the organization on the importance of success, telling them how it can be done and the benefits that the organization and the workers will gain through that. This must be done over and over again until employee performance is up to the mark.
To invigorate the workers, the education needs to extend beyond the sheer reason of "this is why we need to do this and this is how". The instruction needs to connect with the workers. It needs to start influencing each worker's ethics, mindsets and principles and eventually result in their motivation.
Advocate Constitutions, Representations and Structures
Once the vision has been set and invigorated within the organization, the leaders need to start telling their workers what needs to be changed in their work and what needs to be done.
At this phase it is very important that communication method is implemented that enables effective communication and feedback between employees and managers.
The focus is now on the implementation of the motivation methods decided and the new targets set for the workers by their leaders.
Leaders need to ensure that improvement is monitored and calculated frequently and that all achievements are celebrated.
On a regular basis everything should be thoroughly monitored to see if any changed are needed or anything needs to be done differently. Adjustments are suggested and employed as suitable.
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